Redtree is an expert in the creation of INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGIES in the areas of management and training

Redtree cuenta con un equipo de expertos en el desarrollo de metodologías innovadoras de aprendizaje inclusivo de colectivos desfavorecidos, así como en la creación de métodos de gestión únicos.

En los últimos años, ha desarrollado programas formativos, formación e-learning y materiales educativos para la educación escolar, de FP y de adultos con el objetivo de responder a las necesidades de estos grupos


We have a long EXPERIENCE in the
creation of diverse methodologies


We are experts in the creation of innovative methods to facilitate the learning of students through digital companies, but also in the adaptation of training processes based on LEARNING BY DOING and the promotion of CRITICAL THINKING.


Managing entities and projects, especially in moments of severe instability as the ones we live, isn’t easy. Achieving a stable and enough financing, not only to keep the structure, but to achieve a positive impact in your beneficiaries requires specific methods for your entity and context. REDTREE creates methods especially for your reality.


We generate innovative methodologies that boost the direct participation of the very beneficiaries in the processes of the implementation of actions and projects of the entity as a mechanism for their empowerment, inclusion, and training.


We design innovative methodologies and ways of working through critical thinking and digital tools, that favor the inclusion and employability of people with obstacles in complex labor environments. This way, bot the contractor and the trainee enhance their opportunities and results.

our main works

REDTREE has directy contributed to the inclusion of people without disabilities and students with obstacles through directly contributing to the creation of methodologies that have shown their efficiency and quality.

Methodologies created
Users of our methodologies
Years of experience
Team of professionals

More than 10 years creating inclusive methodologies 

During these years we have managed to reach serious achievements in the field of the creation of inclusive and management methodologies thanks to an expert team.

USERS of our

REDTREE has contributed to enhance the work processes of very diverse entities in very diverse areas (foundations, public institutions, schools, educational centers, NGOs, social entities, companies…), helping them to implement innovative work methods aimed towards inclusion, efficiency, and quality.


Tell us about your needs and REDTREE will provide different paths for you to develop a methodology adapted to your needs. From directly hiring our services to looking for projects that allow you to develop it for free.

TESTIMONIALS from experts
and users

Throughout more than 10 years and dozens of methodologies generated, we have enhanced the processes of work, training, and inclusion of people and entities. Thanks to all of you to give us the chance to show what we can do.

“The materials created are very visual and help to make visible and understand key issues in today’s society. The approach to issues of great social importance and the relationship between research and practice in the classroom is appreciated.”

“L’educazione virtuale offre grandi vantaggi offrendo una moltitudine di possibilità educative senza restrizioni. Trovo il corso per migranti particolarmente interessante perché offre risorse che consentono al beneficiario di essere un agente attivo nel loro processo di inclusione.”

“Aquesta plataforma em pareix una eina útil perquè apropa la formació a les persones que més barreres es troben, permetent que pugen accedir a una formació alhora que busquen alternatives econòmiques per viure. Apropar la formació a les classes popular és una de les millors.”

Diana Marín Suelves

Coordinator of the course of
Special Educational needs, University of Valencia

Maain Achour

Volunteer in a social entity that works with migrants and refugees.

Diana Marín Suelves

Social worker.

“After reading the project you are carrying out, it seems to me pretty well fitted to help redirect some of the social problems that are detected in the classrooms. Congratulations and godspeed.”

“We can build a virtual educational system without borders, restrictions and barriers. Especially for our students around the world, it is very important that they can continue learning no matter where they are, working, studying or traveling.”

“La metodología es muy relevante para potenciar la inclusión educativa del alumnado adulto con dificultades. El curso online DE LA ALFABETIZACIÓN A LA FORMACIÓN DIGITAL Y TECNOLÓGICA, contiene una amplia variedad de actividades de aprendizaje que, además de potenciar la motivación de los alumnos a través de casos prácticos y del día a día, también facilita la adquisición de todas las competencias clave.”

Roberto Blanes

History teacher
with extensive experience
in education and bullying

Marianthi Strimpel

Adult education teacher
at Lesvos Solidarity.

Gloria Marcos

Adult and secondary
education teacher.